The FIT Recipe for Chiropractic Success
By Dr. Molly Casey
Greatness at anything in life must take into account the laws of frequency, intensity and time -- you can’t escape them. Performing artists, professional athletes, professors, cardiac rehab, fit bodies … they all become such by consistently and well-utilizing the FIT model: frequency, intensity, and time. It seems like an odd example, but it’s also true for bad habits -- think about obesity. You don’t get obese overnight, eating infrequently and in small amounts. Obesity happens after a period of time with frequent higher intensity non-nutritious meals, meaning more volume/larger amounts. Health and healing happen the same way, abiding by the laws of frequency, intensity and time. Let’s take a look at them!
Optimal health is a process, an ever-evolving active engagement with habits that promote life and highest functioning. Healing requires the same active engagement. That is done by repeatedly performing the actions that correct the problem and promote healing.
A chiropractic adjustment corrects the spinal misalignment (subluxation), allowing for greater range of motion and freeing the information superhighway that is your nervous system to respond optimally. The central nervous system, which controls everything you are able to do, is encased within the spine. The way you live your life and your history will determine the severity of the subluxation and how frequently you require adjustments to correct the problem. Think of the process of dropping weight. It’s not logical to conclude that going to the gym once and eating one nutritious meal will burn off all the weight you desire. In the beginning stages of a weight loss program, you have less leeway for cheating to see greater results; once you reach your target you can ‘cheat’ a bit more. It’s the same thing with correcting the spinal subluxations, decreasing your neck or back pain, and increasing your level of health. The old patterns that support the subluxation return after the adjustment at a more rapid rate initially, thus the need to get adjusted more frequently. As time goes on, you can go longer between adjustments and resume normal activity levels before any modifications are required.
The intensity of your approach to healing begins the moment you think about taking action toward healing. Effective chiropractic is clear and simple: There is less breakdown of the spine, more range of motion, decreased arthritic conditions, decreased nerve interference, more symmetry and a better quality of life -- just to name a few things. How seriously you take your path to healing, your intensity, greatly determines your results. Think about it, does the professional athlete/musician become great at his or her craft by practicing with mediocre intention and a so-so attitude? Absolutely not. To achieve the healing process and regain health, you need to be ready to consistently make choices that often feel difficult and time consuming. However, remember that it’s a process and your choices matter. Discipline is freedom in all areas of life; the healing process and good health is no exception.
Most folks come into the chiropractor’s office initially because of some sort of neck or back pain; you’d be surprised how many patients have had that pain for years and years -- they’ve simply learned to live with it. It’s important to realize the process of healing takes time. We can’t ignore or bypass that truth no matter how modern we become as a society, how advanced our technology and medical treatments, and no matter how badly we wish it to be different. We also can’t make healing happen, we need to let it happen. There’s a huge difference. Letting it happen, allowing it to happen, means you support what the body needs for optimal health and you then let its “innate intelligence” bring you back to center. Remember, the body knows and wants to be in the optimal state of health.
Be patient with yourself when you are experiencing pain and trying to get back to peak performance via the healing process. Allow yourself a little grace, which begins with making time to participate in whatever aids in the healing, i.e., coming to see us at The Joint for an adjustment. Understand that it took time to reach the current point in your health crisis and it will take time to heal and reach the point you want to be -- pain-free and optimally healthy.
Understanding the FIT model may be the first step toward regaining and maintaining your health. We want to help you through the process of healing and get you back to where you want to be! After all, being fit and enjoying good health truly is a “joint” effort.
Dr. Molly Casey is a Doctor of Chiropractic who practices in the Los Angeles area. She works twice a week at The Joint Chiropractic in Glendale, CA.