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Lego Batman: Clicking Everything Into Place

By Batgirl Sara Butler

Lego Batman in Motion
Photo Credit

My kids couldn’t wait to go see the new Lego Batman movie. Yes, all my kids. As I’m sure you know by now, I share no affection for anything nerdy (like Star Wars) or pop culture-y at all. Nope. Not me.

Anyway, here I was getting dragged to see Lego Batman, in 3D, opening weekend. Life can be such a bummer. And because I was so un-entertained throughout the movie (what’s there to like about irreverent but affectionate Batman-centric humor?) my mind started to wander -- to chiropractic.

As you probably know from your viewings of Lego movies and your use of Lego bricks as a child (or your nightly cries of horrendous pain as you step on one en route to the kitchen for a glass of water), Lego bricks click together and are used to build just about anything you can think of. In the Lego movie universe, the characters become “master builders” and create incredible pieces of machinery to save the day while using the Lego bricks at their disposal. Something inside me clicked when thinking about this and I thought that we’re not unlike Legos, and in a way our chiropractors are our master builders.

Holy Anatomy, Batman! How Does It All Click into Place?

There is a specific place for every bone, muscle, ligament, tendon, and piece of cartilage in your body. They make up your musculoskeletal system, working together to help you do everyday things you may take for granted. Without these body parts in their proper places, you wouldn’t be able to properly stand, sit, walk, or jump on one foot with such swift speed as you howl in pain from stepping barefoot on a Lego brick.

Yes, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, your bones and joints support your body and protect your delicate internal organs so that you can remain healthy. When something is out of place, your chiropractor calls it a joint dysfunction or joint restriction. Their job is to find these dysfunctions and restrictions before they begin causing physical symptoms such as limited mobility and discomfort. This is precisely why your chiropractor recommends regular maintenance adjustments -- to keep you clicked into place the right way!

Holy Joint Dysfunction Batman! How Do Joints Get Out of Place?

There are several things that can cause you to develop a joint dysfunction or restriction. The most common causes include:

  • Trauma, such as a fall
  • Overuse injury
  • Incorrect sleeping position
  • Poor posture
  • Fighting the Joker
  • Wearing a heavy Batman cowl nightly

It’s often not just one significant event that can lead to joint dysfunctions or restrictions. Basically, living your life every day can lead to these issues. When your joints aren’t clicking together as they should, then it can lead to irritation of your nerves, which can then cause pain, discomfort, restricted range of motion, headaches -- you know, all of the things that send you to a chiropractor.

Holy Pop Batman! What is that Clicking Sound?

You probably are aware that your joints don’t literally click together like Lego bricks, but you may have noticed when you see the chiropractor that you hear a clicking or popping noise at times while getting adjusted. The image of your chiropractor literally clicking you back into place is a pretty neat one, but that’s not exactly what is happening when you hear that sound -- and you don’t have to hear the sound to know that what your chiropractor is doing is effective, either.

The joints in your spine, as well as other major joints such as your knees and shoulders, are called synovial joints. These joints are lubricated by something called synovial fluid and one of the byproducts of the creation of this fluid is gas, such as nitrogen and oxygen. When your chiropractor applies force to your joint in order to click it back into place, they’re creating space in the joint. The gas is released in the space and BAM! You’ve got that signature snap, crackle or pop.

To the Bat-ropractic Office!

You don’t need a Batcave, a Bat-sub, a Bat-Zeppelin, a Bat-shuttle, a Bat-train or a Bat-kayak to be healthy and happy -- all you need are regular visits to your chiropractor to help click everything into place! By committing to routine chiropractic care, you’re taking a proactive role in your own health by making sure that your joints are healthy and cared for. This allows your body to function at its very best, helping you to feel healthier and more energized. It may not be vigilante crime fighting, but it’s still pretty cool.

So, forget Bruce Wayne, his ridiculous feud with Superman, and Robin’s shocking lack of pants; just get yourself down to The Joint Chiropractic today! In the meantime, watch out for those Lego bricks -- they can hurt like Catwoman’s claws!

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