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A Very Chiropractic Halloween

By Sara Butler

Skeleton with Pumpkin Head

Halloween is right around the corner! In my humble opinion, October is the best month of the year. The temperatures begin to cool down, all things pumpkin-spiced hit the store shelves, and Halloween is celebrated.

As you sip your pumpkin spice latte and agonize over your Halloween costume this year, there is something you may not be thinking of that you should -- a healthy lifestyle. Don’t worry, I won’t get into the ramifications all that candy will have on your guts, but it’s always important to remember how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Here are a few tips from the chiropractors at The Joint Chiropractic to help you keep your eye on the health of you and your kids!

Start Walking

If you’re going to crush Halloween this year, then you must be ready for all that walking. Before the holiday arrives, try to develop a healthy habit such as walking. You can easily incorporate this into your day by going on a 20 to 30-minute walk after dinner. This will help to tone you up in preparation for all that trick-or-treating and will also help you to stay healthy as cooler temperatures arrive and people tend to become less active.

When the weather gets icy or too breezy, then move your workout indoors. You can even go to your local mall and walk around for a while to get your exercise in -- and maybe do a little window shopping, too. After all, Christmas is right around the corner, but that’s a blog for another day.

Trick-Or-Treating Goals

Your goal may be to have the best costume on the block or maybe to get twice as much candy as last year (for your kids, of course). Whatever your goal, it’s important to also set goals about your Halloween haul to keep health in mind. A great example is to set the goal of walking for 20 minutes for every piece or two of candy you have. Come up with a neighborhood route for you and your family before the big day to help you meet your walking and candy eating goals.

Freeze It

If you want to remove some of the temptation from all the Halloween candy that will be sitting around your house, then put it in the freezer. Have you ever tried to bite into a frozen Snickers bar? Yeah, it’s difficult to do, but that’s the point. If you have the candy sitting around, then you can mindlessly pop it into your mouth as you walk by. Make it harder for you and your kids to go crazy and eat all the Halloween candy in one sitting by storing it in the freezer. That way, you have to work to enjoy it and you’ll likely savor it more slowly. And a frozen Snickers is awesome.

See Your Chiropractor

The chiropractors at The Joint are excellent partners in health. They can give you practical advice on staying healthy this time of the year. Remember, Halloween is just the beginning. Soon will be Thanksgiving and Christmas, which can be a slippery slope when it comes to your health and wellness. By seeing your chiropractor regularly, you can help to correct any joint restrictions and dysfunctions that may be plaguing you. This will also help to support a healthy immune system, which is very important as cold and flu season approaches!

For a healthier Halloween, and maybe a few great costume ideas, come into The Joint Chiropractic today -- you’ll feel so good, it might scare you!

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