You’re More Important than that Elf on the Shelf
By Sara Butler
The Elf on the Shelf is a great metaphor for the holiday season. You think it sounds fun, so you jump on the bandwagon only to discover after a few nights of elvish mischief that it’s kind of exhausting. But here you are, having made a commitment that you have to see through until the end of the holidays or you’ll be met with great disappointment. Or maybe that’s just me.
The holidays are arguably one of the busiest times of the year. You scramble to get your work done so you can enjoy time off with your family, but there’s attending concerts and plays, baking for friends and family, finding the perfect gift for everyone you know -- it’s exhausting. Faster than you can say sugarplums, you find yourself run down and counting the days until it’s all over so you can cry yourself to sleep over the state of your bank account like a normal person.
This holiday season you have to make time for you and your health. Here at The Joint Chiropractic, we want you to bring the focus back to your health this season -- with the help of your chiropractor, of course.
Deck the Halls -- with Stress
We’re not telling you anything you don’t already know when we say the holidays are stressful. You have to deal with disagreeable family members, shell out a bunch of money on gifts or travel, and avoid you-know-who under the mistletoe -- everyone has their own reason to stress over the holidays.
You’ll get through the holidays one way or another, but you may not come out totally unscathed. Yep, just like that time you accidentally set Binky the elf too close to that candle, you may be a little worse for wear once it’s all over. That’s because stress causes your body to tense up, leading to problems such as headaches, neck pain, jaw pain, low back pain, and even stomach aches. The stress and strain might even get so bad that you pull a muscle in your back that takes you down while you pick up a stray marshmallow off the floor -- all because you’re not caring for your body as you should. It happens -- but the chiropractors at The Joint are here to help.
Don’t forget to give yourself a little love this year by sticking to your regular chiropractic adjustments. And if you don’t see a chiropractor, you should. It can help to prevent injuries and keep you healthy because that elf sure isn’t going to create his own mischief.
Over the River and Through the Woods
Travel is big this time of year. What’s not to love about hours and hours in the car with kids fighting in the backseat, or cramped conditions in airplanes with more germs on the belt buckle than a public toilet seat? Yeah, travel can really mess you up.
Let the chiropractors at The Joint help make your travel a little bit more bearable. With nearly 400 clinics nationwide, you’re never too far from relief. And here’s a pro travel tip: Take a tennis ball with you. No, this isn’t some lame Elf on the Shelf joke, it makes a great self-massager. Just put it between the wall and your back and then apply pressure with your body weight, rolling up and down and from side to side to help give your tense and weary muscles some relief.
Joy to the Buffet
The holidays are full of cakes, cookies, booze, and more cakes. To say it’s a time of year when people tend to overindulge would be an understatement. Your eating habits change, the food you eat is richer and not as fresh, and you probably consume fewer fruits and vegetables than you should. This can have a big impact on your digestion and make you feel as miserable as your dog did last year when he ate your old elf, Jolly (who’s not so jolly anymore).
Did you know that chiropractic care can also have a big impact on your digestion? That’s because your central nervous system controls the signals that go to the intestines and stomach. If your nervous system isn’t functioning at its best, then your digestion won’t either. Your chiropractor can’t erase that entire tray of sugar cookies you ate, but can provide adjustments to help your body to work optimally under the current conditions -- that condition being too much eggnog.
Whether or not you agree that it’s the most wonderful time of the year probably has a lot to do with how you feel. Give your body an advantage over all the rigors of the holidays by keeping up with your regular chiropractic adjustments. Who knows? Maybe it will give you the extra energy you need to not lament your decision to bring an Elf on the Shelf into your home in the first place. Senseless elf.
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