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Mother's Day Mood Makeover: Tips to Recharge, Refresh, and Reset

By Donna Stark

Mother's Day Mood Makeover: Tips to Recharge, Refresh, and Reset

She’s the glue that holds everything together. She’s the one who makes sure every family member is eating right, sleeping well, getting to where they need to be, and living a well-adjusted life. She’s also the one who most of us turn to when we need some extra love and care, and to be honest, she probably wouldn’t have it any other way.

However, that often means a mother’s needs and desires are left to be ignored. There’s no denying that being a full-time mom is hard. There is also no denying that it’s time for all the moms out there to take a break and recharge!

What Can Mothers Do to Recharge Emotionally and Physically?

No matter how easy it is for moms to fall into their daily routines and push their needs aside for the benefit of others, it’s important they consider self-care as a daily necessity, and not a once-a-month luxury.

If she hopes to reduce the risk of parental burnout and exhaustion, a mom’s physical, mental, and emotional health need to be as high on the priority list as those around her. But that’s a lot easier said than done, which is why the chiropractors at The Joint Chiropractic want to share a few of their favorite suggestions.

These self-care tips are sure to help any mother (including you) get back on track to optimal health and supermom status!

Spend Time Alone

Even if it’s just a few minutes throughout the day, spending some time alone is crucial in preventing burnout, resentment, and mood swings. This is the time when you can hit the reset button and collect your thoughts, read a book, or wash your face in peace. Engaging in activities that encourage relaxation and provide an opportunity to recharge will ultimately make your days easier to navigate.

Prioritize Exercise

When it comes to maintaining a healthy body and outlook on life, you can’t go wrong with daily exercise! Just 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day can help reduce stress, lower anxiety, increase energy, and improve your overall health and wellness.

Low-impact exercises, such as walking, biking, and swimming, are excellent activities to choose from because they can easily be adapted to any fitness level. Yoga and tai chi are also great workouts to consider if you are looking for additional ways to calm your mind and body and feel more centered.

Engage in Your Favorite Hobbies

If you see a stranger staring back at you every time you look in a mirror, it may be time to get involved with some hobbies! Engaging in hobbies that you used to love (remember that book club from years back?) or that allow for unlimited expression can be especially effective in helping you find your old self again and reconnect with your passions. They are also a great way to escape reality and prioritize your mental health.

An easy way to get started on this new journey is to detox from technology. Turn off your social media notifications and use that extra time to explore fun and creative outlets. Pay attention to the activities that bring you joy and be sure to do more of them on a regular basis.

Connect With Loved Ones

One of the worst things about extremely busy schedules is that they can often exacerbate feelings of isolation. Isolation can be mentally and emotionally draining. It can even lead to serious health issues down the road, such as poor sleep, anxiety, depression, and reduced immune function. However, there is an easy fix … connecting with loved ones!

Prioritizing your time with friends and family can contribute to an overall improvement in your overall well-being and help reduce the number of health risks associated with isolation and loneliness. Find the time to rest and relax with your family, cook a meal with your children, or meet a friend for lunch.

What Can Families Do to Help Mothers Recharge?

Families can also help moms recharge in many ways, and shouldn’t limit specialized attention to Mother’s Day only. There is no better time to think about doing so than now, but Mother’s Day should be celebrated every month, not just once a year. Here are some ideas you can either suggest to your family or use yourself. They are perfect for helping any mom get the rest she deserves.

  • Help around the house - Sharing household responsibilities is an easy way to give moms some extra time for themselves. Do the grocery shopping, help with the laundry, wash the dishes after meals, and pick up the floors at night. Pitching in around the house is a simple and effective way to show Mom how much she is loved.
  • Encourage self-care - Actively supporting our moms while they engage in self-care activities is one of the best things we can do for their overall well-being. This can include helping them stay on top of their doctor appointments, giving their sleep-deprived bodies extra time to wake up, or offering to babysit so they can meet up with a friend.
  • Demand less - Demanding less of our moms and doing more for ourselves could be one of the biggest game changers when it comes to their ability to practice self-care. By coming up with ways to handle things on our own, our moms may finally be able to have some extra time to reset.
  • Show appreciation - A little appreciation can go a long way in helping your mom recharge, so let her know how much she is valued. Remember to say "thank you" or leave a note of gratitude on her desk. Sometimes, the smallest tokens of affection make the biggest impact on a person’s outlook toward life.
  • Cultivate a legacy of love - Words are important, especially the ones that come from the heart. If you are a dad or grandfather, encourage the children in your life to express their gratitude for their mother often. Whether that comes in the form of a sweet “Good morning. I love you Mom” every day or a secret note left in her purse, the lesson you are instilling will last for generations.

Encouraging Self-Care for Moms

The life of a busy mom is bound to be overwhelming at times, but it doesn’t need to be a constant struggle. There are plenty of simple and effective self-care strategies that can help any mother rest, relax, and recharge. Whether you carry around the title of “Mom” or are someone who simply wants to make a difference in a mom’s life, it’s time to hit that magical reset button and make some changes that will improve everyone’s quality of life.

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