Mosquitoes Can Be Dangerous; Protect Yourself
By Paul Rothbart
There are many pests that can make life miserable or even make you sick. Mosquitoes may well be at the top of that list. It's irritating to have them buzzing in your ear on a summer night. Their bites are no less annoying and the itching they cause can drive you crazy. It goes far beyond that. Mosquitoes are considered one of the most dangerous animals on earth. They can spread several diseases, some of which can be deadly. It is important to take the steps to protect yourself. Here is some information on mosquitoes.
Diseases Mosquitoes Can Spread
The greatest danger mosquitoes pose is the spread of disease. They have long been known to transmit malaria and yellow fever. Both show symptoms of fever, fatigue, and weakness. Malaria can cause acute kidney disease. Yellow fever may bring on jaundice or organ failure. More recently, mosquitoes started transmitting West Nile virus. About 20 percent of people infected will develop a fever while one percent come down with serious, sometimes fatal symptoms. Zika virus is another mosquito-borne disease. It can cause fever and rashes and there is currently no preventative vaccination. There are other diseases that can be spread by mosquitoes. It is important to prevent mosquitoes from breeding near your home.
Preventing Breeding
The mosquitoes that breed in your home or yard are the ones that are most likely to bite you. You can reduce that likelihood by taking steps to prevent them from breeding. Mosquitoes lay eggs in water. They don't need much of it, so stagnant water even a half-inch deep can be a problem. It's important to empty the water out of flower pots, trash containers, and even old tires. After a rainstorm, check for standing water and get rid of it. Cover trailers, boats, wheelbarrows, and anything else where water can collect. Keep your gutters clean to avoid the buildup of water and repair any leaky taps. This can greatly lessen the chance of mosquitoes breeding.
No matter how well you eliminate standing water from your property, there will still be mosquitoes that find their way to your home. There are several ways to repel or kill them. Citronella candles and torches do an excellent job at keeping mosquitoes from outdoor areas and they can add atmosphere as well. Bug zappers placed on your patio or deck will attract and kill mosquitoes and other pests before they can bite you. You can also use a "knock-down" type of fly spray to kill mosquitoes in your home.
Mosquitoes are more than just annoying, they can spread serious disease. Don't let them do this. Take steps to prevent breeding and keep them away from your home and yard. It can be wonderful to interact with nature, but not all of it.
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