Healthy Habits for a Hectic Life
By Sara Butler
It seems as if there aren't enough hours in the day to do everything you need. Throw in healthy habits and it can begin to feel overwhelming trying to do all that you have to during one 24-hour period. If you can make time for healthy habits, then you will likely find you have more energy to get through your day. They may not add hours to the day, but they can sure add some pep to your step to get things done. Here are a few tips to help you add some healthy habits into your hectic life.
Drink More Water
You've probably had your fill of learning how important it is to drink water each day, but it bears repeating! Water is great for your skin, your circulation, your digestions, and even helps to reduce cellulite. If you feel as if you don't have energy during the day, then it may be because you're simply not drinking enough water. You can work more water into your busy day by making it a habit. Always have water with you and think about using an app on your phone to help remind you to sip often until it really sinks in.
Snack on It
Taking healthy, portable snacks with you when you're on the go is a great healthy habit. Choose some baby carrots, nuts, fresh fruit, cheese, and turkey jerky. Peanut butter and whole-grain crackers will do the job, too. This can help you to keep your energy up throughout the day and help you avoid the vending machine during your afternoon slump.
Pack Lunch
If you want to eat healthier, then pack your lunch -- but don't wait until the morning to do it. This helps to give you more time in the morning and ensures that you're taking something healthy with you wherever you go. You can even consider cooking extra batches of foods you make for dinner during the week to take as lunch another day.
Walk whenever you can during the day. That means you should park farther away from the entrance when you go somewhere, walk to your colleague's office to talk to them instead of calling or emailing, and take the stairs instead of the elevator when possible. These small changes can add up to more activity in your day and that's healthy for you!
You're never too busy to think about your health. After all, there are easy ways you can incorporate healthy habits, even with a hectic schedule!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Mesa, Ariz.