3 Signs a Senior Citizen Needs Chiropractic Care
By Brandi Swieter
Seniors over the age of 65 make up 14 percent of the patients at chiropractic offices around the United States. The reason for such a need for chiropractic care as people age is that the body starts to break down. Musculoskeletal pain sets in and aches are felt throughout the body, particularly in the lower back. When an older adult notices one of the following three signs, he or she should seek chiropractic care immediately to help reduce the symptoms.
Many seniors can continue to walk and stay mobile until they hit an older age of 80 or higher. Most 65-year-olds remain healthy enough to continue working and doing as they please. If you’re only in your 60s or 70s and find yourself immobile due to back pain or aches elsewhere in your body, that’s a sure sign it’s time to see a chiropractor. With spinal manipulation and massage techniques, a doctor of chiropractic may be able to return you to your former level of mobility.
Frequent Falls
Whether it’s due to pain, immobility, or simple clumsiness, older adults tend to experience more frequent falls than any other group of people. If you were once able to walk just fine without tripping over yourself, yet now find yourself falling often, it may be time to visit The Joint Chiropractic to get assessed. The initial visit includes a consultation, exam, and adjustment. With some manipulation to your joints, you may begin to see an improvement in the way you walk and a lessening number of falls throughout the week.
Severe Pain
Any time a senior experiences severe pain in his or her body, it is best to see a doctor. Why not make it a doctor of chiropractic and see if they can alleviate some of your suffering. An achiness among the spine is one of the most common musculoskeletal problems that older adults develop. Spinal manipulation can help to relieve some of the tension felt there. Older patients in need of this technique can have low pressure applied so it is not too rough on their bodies.
Whether senior citizens find themselves suffering from severe pain, frequent falls, immobility, or all of the above, their first reaction should be to visit a chiropractor for an assessment. Manipulation of the joints can help to reduce the symptoms, so aches get eliminated, falls stop occurring, and seniors can remain mobile and active in their retirement days.
To learn more about your health and wellness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Peoria, Ariz.