Celebrate Migraine and Headache Awareness Month
By Brandi Goodman
Migraine and Headache Awareness Month takes place in June. Now is the time to start to celebrating this cause by learning just how debilitating migraines can be and finding ways to prevent it. Chiropractic care is one option for those who suffer.
Learn the Difference Between Migraines and Headaches
Migraines are much more intense than the average headache. They usually recur and are extremely painful when they do. You may be sensitive to light, with any exposure to even dim lighting causing you more pain. You'll often feel dizzy and lightheaded as well. Some people even get nauseous because of their migraines. Understanding the difference between a minor headache that causes you discomfort and a severe migraine that is debilitating can help you to see what type you're experiencing at the time.
Get Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care can be used to help migraines and headaches. If you experience migraines, don't wait for the next onset to head in. Visit the chiropractor now to see how care can help. Regular visits that remove subluxations, or joint restrictions, as well as provide advice can help to stop your migraines from being as severe in the future.
Ask for Additional Advice
The chiropractor won't just give you an adjustment to help with the current pain you're feeling, but will also give you helpful advice and recommendations you can take home to use. This will help you prevent such debilitating migraines from stopping you in your tracks in the future. Drinking lots of water, exercising, and making sure you're sleeping well are just a few of the recommendations you'll sometimes see.
Change Your Lighting
Since lights cause sensitivity with people who suffer from migraines, changing them out for different types can help. Bright lights throughout the home can be a serious problem. Incandescent lighting that isn't as bright and does not flicker, which can be a trigger, is better to use in the household. LED lighting is also an option that doesn't cause flickering. These last longer than incandescents and are more worth the money in the long run. Fluorescent lighting should usually be avoided.
Migraine and Headache Awareness Month encourages those who suffer, as well as others, to speak out to learn more. Being aware of just how debilitating migraines can be and finding ways to help your symptoms is important. Chiropractic care is one option for improving migraine symptoms and lessening them over time.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Peoria, Ariz.