4 Things the Chiropractor Wants You to Stop Doing
By Brandi Goodman
Certain habits you've formed may be impacting your health. You may not even realize you do certain things, but they're undoubtedly causing harm to your well-being either way. These are things the chiropractor wants you to stop so you can ease pain you might be feeling and prevent yourself from causing long-term damage.
Stop Slouching
So many people spend their lives slouched over. You might find yourself leaning to one side as you stand or hunched down on the couch while you sit. You need to maintain your posture if you hope to limit back and neck pain and keep your body as strong and mobile as possible.
Stop Pushing Too Hard
It's fine to push yourself past your limits on occasion. What you don't want to do, however, is push yourself too hard when you're injured or hurting. Doing so can cause more damage than help. Chiropractors suggest getting adequate rest and trying to ease yourself into healthier habits without doing too much at once, especially when it comes to starting an exercise routine or recover from an injury.
Stop the Frequent Device Use
Using a device often does more than hurt your eyes. Your vision gets affected and your eyes dry out, but you can also do serious harm to your neck and shoulders. People tend to look down at handheld devices far too much. This puts unnecessary strain on the neck that should not be repeated. Quit using devices regularly and limit your screen time to avoid such a problem. If you must use them, then at least be sure you're viewing them at the correct angle with your neck held high and your eyes forward. Even a slight tilt can cause tension and pain.
Stop Sleeping on Your Stomach
The way you sleep and the amount of sleep you're getting can both affect your health. Your spine will be impacted if you're sleeping on your stomach nightly and allowing your spine to be stressed. You should sleep on your side instead, perhaps even with a pillow between your knees, so that your spine remains supported. You should also be sure to follow a nighttime routine so you get plenty of rest and have the energy for all your daily tasks.
Stop doing things that are detrimental to your well-being and learn which things are beneficial to your health. You can visit The Joint Chiropractic for further guidance on what to do -- or not do -- for improved wellness.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Peoria, Ariz.