The Chiropractor Says to Stop Using These 4 Things
By Brandi Goodman
Many chiropractors will offer helpful advice on which things you should be doing or using to help your posture, reduce back pain, and live a healthy lifestyle. Some, however, will take a different approach. You most likely know what you need to be doing to be healthy, but what should you stop using that you wouldn't normally have thought was bad for your well-being?
Phone (While Looking Down)
Sure, talk on the phone. Pick up your device and call up an old friend and have a conversation. What you shouldn't be doing is looking down at your device for extended intervals. Even just a few minutes can actually be all it takes to make your neck start hurting. It's important to take breaks from your phone often so you don't suffer from what we call "tech neck." If you do use one, make sure you raise it up to eye level rather than bending your neck downward to look at the screen.
High Heels
You may love the way they look on you, but high heels are detrimental to your health. You need a solid pair of shoes with shock absorption that will help your feet and legs avoid the force when connecting with the hard ground. Wearing heels makes you unbalanced and puts more strain on your lower body. This can quickly result in discomfort.
Massage Tools
It's fine to use a foam roller or similar device to give yourself a bit of a massage now and then. You just need to be extremely careful when doing so. Too many people overdo it, causing even more discomfort than when they started. You should be using a gentle technique and not pushing too hard; you could damage the tissue. A professional massage therapist or chiropractor would be better suited for the job.
Wallet (in Your Back Pocket)
This one typically applies to men. Many place their wallets in their back pocket and then proceed to sit with them still there. This causes you to be slightly uneven. You're putting extra strain on your hip and lower back because of this. It's important to remove your wallet before you sit or opt for a front pocket fit instead.
Your well-being can be put into question when you continue to use these things. You may realize that these are the times your neck, shoulders, or back are hurting the most. Making just a few changes can reduce your pain levels and help better your health. If you still experience some discomfort, stop in at The Joint Chiropractic. Correcting a restriction could help considerably.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Peoria, Ariz.