Chiropractic Care for Back to School!
By Rebecca Waldron
It’s August already! You know what that means. Back to school! Parents both love and hate this time of year. The cost of new clothes, shoes, school supplies and lunches bury parents. However, parents may smile knowing that their little ones will have something to do now. Here are a few ways that you can help prevent back pain during back to school.
Everyone loves new shoes. Make sure the ones that you get have great support and fit properly. These help to cushion your feet and bear the weight of your body evenly so that you can stand and walk with good posture. You wouldn’t want to squish your toes into tight fitting heels if you’re looking to help your back stay in good shape. High heels also put an immense pressure on the back to hold you up on one point. For all of you who love high heels, remember this: It can damage your ankles, feet, legs, hips, and back.
A good backpack will include adjustable wide straps for both shoulders. It will fall right behind your core area and be snug but not tight. If you can find one with a belly strap to hold it in place in front, it is highly suggested. The more evenly you distribute the weight over the back of your shoulders, the less pain there will be. Another tip is don’t send your child to school the first day loaded down with all of his or her supplies. I remember doing that once to my 7-year-old only to watch him fall over backward like a turtle on his shell. A better idea would be to send supplies over the first few days instead of all at once.
Chiropractic Care
If you find yourself having back pain anyway, even with all of these tips, then it’s time to see your neighborhood chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic. Many of the locations are open every day of the week, you don’t even need an appointment. You will be greeted by the friendly staff and will fill out some medical paperwork. Afterward, you will meet with the chiropractor and he or she will examine you and discuss the next step, which may include having you lie down on a special bed that helps with adjustments. It is comfortable and you will be gently manipulated by the chiropractor as he aligns your spine and vertebrae. Make this school year a great one by going to your local The Joint Chiropractic and start on your path to wellness. Your body will thank you for it.
To learn more about your health and wellness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Scottsdale, Ariz.