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Finding Time to Find Your Balance

By Donna Stark

We hear it all the time ... a healthy and happy life is all about finding the perfect balance. We are constantly being told to consume a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and spend quality time with those we love. Do these things, and your life will be better, right? It's easy to say because on paper, these tips don't seem to be very complicated. In fact, they could probably fall under the category of "common sense," yet so many people have trouble actually following them. Ironically, the healthy habits that can be categorized as common sense are the same ones that are not commonly practiced. And the biggest culprit as to why? Time.

Finding Time with Three Easy Tips

Do you feel as if you don't have the time to take better care of yourself? Do your family, friends, and job keep you so busy that there just isn't an empty spot left on your daily calendar to do so? The excuses can certainly line up, but that doesn't change the end result ... you need to make time for yourself! Here are some tips on how to find the time so you can find some balance.

  • Plan your shopping - The best way to start adding quality time into your schedule is to plan your shopping, and once you develop this habit, you may even find yourself getting more organized (which is a bonus timesaver as well!) Start by planning meals and creating grocery lists, and then designate a day for shopping and meal prep. Shopping once or twice during the week is definitely better than doing so every night after work.
  • Get plenty of sleep - Sure, skipping out on sleep may feel like you are adding more time to your day, but is that time being used productively? Or are you dragging your heels, suffering from a lack of focus, and waiting in those 15-minute lines just for a shot of espresso to keep your energy up? Are your workouts taking twice as long because your body is screaming for rest? Getting the proper amount of sleep will actually help save you time in the long run, so be sure to make it a priority!
  • Multitask when caring for others - Just because your focus may be on a loved one, it doesn't mean you also can't do something healthy for yourself at the same time. If you are waiting at a child's sports practice, walk a few laps around the field instead of sitting in your car, or if you are taking a loved one to the chiropractor for healing, get an adjustment for yourself too! It's important to maintain great health and you can save a lot of time when you double-up on certain activities.

Finding Time to Find Your Balance

Although it seems to carry a sense of importance, being too busy can also carry poor health, so try to be very aware of what you are pushing aside and don't lose your common sense through it all. Practice those healthy habits daily so that you can enjoy a life filled with happiness and great health!

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Scottsdale, Ariz. 

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