Celebrate Great Outdoors Month With Chiropractic Tips
By Brandi Goodman
Spend the whole month of June getting outside and enjoying time in nature to celebrate Great Outdoors Month. Though being outside can boost mental health and mood, it can also be tough on the back and body if you aren't being careful. That's why you should celebrate with some chiropractic tips in mind to help make the most of your time outdoors that lets you head back inside pain-free.
Camping is one of the most common pastimes enjoyed during the summer. There are several chiropractic recommendations you should follow when you go. First, be sure to set up the tent carefully. Bend down at the knees instead of leaning over to put the stakes into the ground. You should also bring an air mattress to sleep on since sleeping on the hard ground in nothing but a sleeping back is going to be very hard on your back. Stay hydrated during the trip and use the proper gear and equipment when participating in activities.
You tend to see more people riding their bikes during the summer months than other times of year. If you choose to ride, make sure the bike still fits you well. Some people keep bikes for far longer than they should. A bike that is too small for you is going to cause pain and tension as you ride. You should also choose a better seat that provides more cushion and make sure you wear tennis shoes while riding instead of sandals.
Hiking boots are the proper thing to wear when you go for a hike. It's also beneficial to carry a lightweight bag with only the essentials and avoid over-packing. A heavy bag can lead to back pain quickly. Hike with a partner so you're not out there in the wilderness alone.
Another favorite summer activity for many, swimming can be painful if you don't exercise caution. It's important to stretch before you swim to loosen up your joints. You should stretch when you're finished as well so your body can recover from the activity faster. Swimming injuries are more common than you might think, but stretching properly will prevent them. You should also stay hydrated and drink lots of water before and after your swim.
Great Outdoors Month gets people started spending more time outside so they can find activities they love and want to continue anytime the weather is cooperative. Follow some chiropractic tips to ensure your body remains free from pain as you enjoy your time spent in the sunshine.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Tucson, Ariz.