A Whole Makeover in Exercise Is Not Necessary
By Tom Herrin
It is often assumed that to improve something in your life to protect your health requires a big effort. There are lots of good workout programs that can produce some big results for those inclined to stick to them. Many people, however, are not looking for big changes but simply want to do something that may help maintain blood pressure, prevent heart disease and some cancers, as well as boost overall health. Simple regular activity may actually accomplish this and do so with reasonable success. After all, the real measure is if health is good and relatively free from problems.
Becoming a Doer Can Help
Any time a person goes from doing nothing to any kind of activity, their chances of a premature death go down quite a bit. This is basically what Alpa Patel, PhD. of the American Cancer Society said. Added to this is a statement that the largest change comes almost immediately when people go from sedentary to active. That simple act may be life-changing. It is worth that little bit of effort anytime.
Benefits Don't Stop With Age
It has been said that adults 65 or older should have at least 2 1/2 hours of moderate exercise per week. It has been estimated that fewer than 20 percent of that same group gets the recommended amount. Too many times, people retire and seem to feel they owe it to themselves to do little or nothing. Not only might this get old, it is pretty counterproductive at a time in which people could stand a little more protection for their health.
Make It Easy on Yourself
There may not be a lot of ways to exercise that fall under the category of "do it your own way," but the reality is that simply sharpening up what you already do can play a big part. You are more likely to experience success when you incorporate activities you do as somewhat of a routine. Adding a few steps to a few things and avoiding ways to make it too easy could be enough. I try to do things such as taking the stairs when possible rather than use an elevator. Another thing I do is try to park farther away from the door to a supermarket or other store when I am shopping. Give it a little thought and see what you may be able to do to get in 10 minutes or so more walking each day.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Tucson, Ariz.