Signs You Might Need a Metabolism Boost
By Alexis Mills
Our bodies are able to be put through a lot, but some of our habits are destructive to our health and really make our metabolism slow down. Habits such as not eating right, not exercising enough, or having an irregular sleep schedule all can really take a toll on your body. If you aren't sure if you need to boost your metabolism, there are some warning signs that you need to take action.
Gaining Weight and Can't Seem to Lose It
If you have recently had continuous weight gain or were feeling uncomfortably bloated in which your clothes felt tighter than normal is a big sign -- especially if you still aren't seeing any improvements even though you're working out. This is a telling sign that your metabolism needs some extra help from you to make healthier choices.
Low on Energy or Excess Fatigue
When you have low energy and have trouble getting out of bed in the morning or exercising, it's a sign you need a reboot. Also, if you are feeling extra moody and irritable, it could be another sign that you need a reset to your metabolism.
Experiencing Brain Fog
Is it extra difficult to focus on the things that you need to or remember important details? If this is you, focus on feeding your body extra greens and vegetables to help fuel your brain, body, and metabolism. Everything in your body is connected and when one part feels off, it's usually a telling sign of something else that needs balancing.
Have Poor Digestion
Experiencing a variety of digestion issues such as gas, bloating, acid reflex, or constipation is caused by indulging in foods that are bad for you and not eating enough of the right foods. This throws off your gut bacteria and metabolic rate.
Trouble Falling or Staying Asleep
You might not associate your sleep issues with your metabolism, but it's a symptom of something being off in your body. Targeting and fixing your metabolism helps your body work better and makes a good night of sleep much easier.
Consistently Stressed
Being filled with stress creates a build-up of toxins in your body but your body needs even more nutrients when you are under chronic stress. So, if you are really stressed and are also eating poorly, it can really take a toll on your metabolism as well as your whole body.
If these signs match up with you, then it is time to make your health more of a priority. Your body is giving you signals that it needs a reset and rejuvenation that will help your metabolism and your overall health and wellness.
To learn more about your health, wellness and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in North Little Rock, Ark.