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How to Be Proactive About Your Health

By Genevieve Cunningham

If you want to live a healthy life, you simply have to be proactive about your wellness. When we wait for problems to happen, we're putting ourselves at unnecessary risk of complications. But if we prepare ahead of time -- if we focus on wellness and prevention -- we're better able to care for ourselves long-term. Of course, many don't really understand what a proactive healthcare plan looks like. Luckily, it's easier than you probably think. If you're interested in prevention, take a look at these tips for being proactive with your health now and in the future.

Watch Your Weight

We don't like to think about it or talk about it, but the truth is that excess weight can be really bad for your health. Extra weight is hard on the heart, circulation, and overall body function. It raises the risk of major disease, and it makes you feel less than your best as well. If you want to be proactive about your overall health, focus on keeping your weight at a healthy level. It's a lot easier than trying to lose, and it may be far more effective at preventing disease.

Keep Your Doctor Appointments

As we age, we often skip the doctor more than we should. As kids, regular appointments are a thing. We get checkups regularly in order to protect our health. Why do we stop doing this as we get older? Getting regular checkups can help us find problems before they turn into something big and unmanageable. If you're not currently seeing the doctor on a regular basis, make an appointment and get on a maintenance schedule. 

Protect Your Mental Health

We often focus solely on physical health and completely ignore our mental wellness. But mental health has a huge impact on overall health and the way that we feel about life. Make sure that you're giving your mental health some time and energy. See a professional, visit friends face-to-face, take vacations. As we get older, maintaining good mental health becomes even more important for a good quality of life. Include yours in your prevention plan, and you'll be much better off long-term.

Being proactive about your health is always a good idea. The more problems we can prevent, the better we'll feel. Use these tips to stay on top of your health, and enjoy better health starting now and lasting long into your future.

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Aliso Viejo, Calif.

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