How to Really Invest in Quality Sleep
By Genevieve Cunningham
Sleep affects everything. How often do you wake up and immediately feel tired? If you're like most people, it's fairly often. It seems like as we get older, sleep is one of the hardest things to find. It doesn't matter whether we can't fall asleep due to stress, discomfort, or lack of routines, poor sleep has a huge impact on our lives. Luckily, improving your sleep is absolutely possible. If you're ready for better sleep and better health as a result, take a look at these ways to invest in quality sleep starting tonight.
Invest in Your Mattress and Pillows
If you're not comfortable in your own bed, your quality of sleep is absolutely going to suffer. You may not be crazy about the idea of spending the money, but a high quality mattress and supportive pillows are totally worth it. Both your mattress and pillows should feel good when you lay down. They should be soft and relaxing, but supportive enough to minimize pain. If you haven't taken the time yet, go ahead and invest in these items for better sleep for years to come.
Invest in Routines
When we follow routines, everything about life and health becomes just a little bit easier. Our bodies and minds like routines. For most people, the hard part isn't routine maintenance -- it's the beginning stages. What should a routine look like? What should be included? What should be left out? For bedtime, we need things that wind us down -- maybe a hot shower and a good book -- and a set bedtime and wake up time. Your routine can have more steps, of course, as it's specific to you. Find what works and invest yourself in building a solid, effective routine. Over time, you'll find that the addition of a routine works wonders on your personal health and overall quality of rest.
Invest in Yourself
This might sound silly, but by getting good sleep, you're investing heavily in yourself. Quality sleep means better health, higher productivity, more stable moods, and more. It means feeling happier and healthier every day. So many times, we don't sleep because we think there's something more important that we should be doing. But sleep is crucial for your own mental and physical well-being. Sometimes sleep, in and of itself, is the most important thing that you should be doing at any given moment. Invest in yourself and your health by making it a priority and sticking to it no matter what.
If you're not getting enough sleep, it's time to do something about it. Without good sleep, you're not going to live the life you truly want. You'll be rundown, more prone to sickness, irritable, and generally unwell. Don't let that happen to you! Invest in your sleep and your health with these tips and start feeling refreshed in no time at all.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Aliso Viejo, Calif.