For Busy Teens, Sleep is Essential
By Donna Kostiew
I don’t know how some of today’s teens do it. Their lives seem busier and more stressful than many of the adults I know. Their days are filled with increasing responsibilities at home, school, and work. These are kids who are studying harder than ever, taking college courses during their high school years, working part-time jobs while also managing sports and other activities, volunteering in their communities, and still finding time to socialize with friends all while planning for their futures.
If anyone needs sleep, it is them.
Sleep is Essential
Unlike parents of infants, who have proven to the world that sleep is not a crucial part of human life, teenagers need a lot of it. It is during this time in their lives that they experience significant physical, emotional, and intellectual growth and maturation and getting quality, plentiful sleep is essential to their development. Here are some suggestions for them to help get the rest they need.
- Make sleep a priority and establish a consistent schedule that offers 8-10 hours of rest
- Design a bedroom that encourages sleep by keeping it cool, quiet, and dark
- Follow the same routine each night so that the body learns the signals that it is time for bed
- Remove televisions and video games from the bedroom
- Avoid caffeinated drinks in the evenings
- Limit afternoon naps
- Don’t leave homework for the last minute of the night
- Try to maintain sleep habits over the weekend as well
- Visit a chiropractor for adjustments that help improve sleep
All too often, our teens are not getting enough sleep. Their hectic schedules coupled with their inexperience managing their time can cause many problems throughout their days.
Effects of Sleep Deprivation
- Disrupts ability to learn and concentrate
- Causes impatience and moodiness
- Increases the risk of accidents while driving or using equipment
- Contributes to illness
“Not to brag, but I can make my kids angry just by saying good morning.”
Does this sound like your family? If it does, it may be time to start working on the above suggestions with your child. Studies have shown that the earlier parents can help their children establish positive sleep habits, the easier it will be to maintain them throughout their teen years and into college. There is a lot at stake here … their safety, health, education, and quality of life depend so much on getting the right amount of sleep that their body needs and fortunately, it is never too late to start developing some good habits.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Chino Hills, Calif.