How to Make the Pieces Fit to Keep Peace with Kids
By Sandy Schroeder
When I was a kid I never understood why adults were always talking about peace. To me, peace sounded a little dull, but that notion changed when I became a parent. A few hours of peaceful quiet became a distant fantasy as I juggled three little boys and their pets. Something was always about to happen or already happening.
If you are still working on the prospect of peace with kids, too, these suggestions were inspired by comments made by a veteran mom in the Washington Post. The idea is to use daily pieces to connect.
Teach them to bake and then share a piece – Let them be your helpers when they are young, and gradually learn how to do the whole thing baking cupcakes, fruit loaves or fresh fruit pies. They will be so proud.
Help them find the puzzle pieces – When things go wrong with friends, at school or in sports, take the time to talk about it and slowly make everything right. First you will be the listener. Then gradually you can encourage them to fix the problem. They will be so relieved.
Piece together a sleep routine – Make the time before bedtime a quiet time to talk, read, enjoy a snack or a warm bath. Gradually it may become the time to confide what went wrong during the day. As the day is unloaded, both of you can relax and sleep better.
Add pieces of time for yourself – Don’t just dream of that weekly yoga or watercolor class. Make it happen. An hour or two a week could be all you need to remember who you are besides mom. It may also help you appreciate more what it is to be a mom.
Piece together a guide – Every mom develops a guide in their head as they learn the special quirks of their child. Some are very laid back until they get sick. Then they turn into little demons. Others are agreeable eaters until their stomachs become upset. Knowing what to do when can save a lot of grief for them and for you.
Make breath a key piece – So many situations can be saved from disaster if you and your kids each learn to take a deep breath. Teaching them early on to take a deep breath before they strike back, scream or run away can help them all through life. For you, taking a deep breath when a crisis hits may carry you through it with flying colors. Finding the calmness to handle everything can save the day.
These are just a few of the many pieces of life that you and your kids will encounter. Just make the most of each one and make sure they know you love them, and they can always count on you. The rest will be a piece of cake!
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