Drinking Your Greens for Better Health
By Donna Stark
Seriously, could there be a more delicious way to stick to your New Year's resolutions than pouring yourself a glass of green juice? Probably not, which may be why National Green Juice Day occurs just a few weeks after the new year begins. It's the easiest way to fill up on antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals and to get your body energized for the day ahead. Have you considered stepping into the world of green juice yet? If so, stop thinking and just do it. Here are some tips to get you started!
Make Your Own
Buying pre-made green juice at your local market might be considered a splurge because it is generally more expensive than other juices, but don't let the price stop you from giving your body the amazing amount of nutrition it provides. Instead of buying your green juice, why don't you make your own? With either a juicer or blender, and your favorite greens, you can start creating these powerhouse drinks at home! Here are some of the most common ingredients used.
- Cucumbers
- Basil, parsley, cilantro
- Mint leaves
- Spinach
- Kale
- Avocado
- Apples
- Celery
- Honeydew
- Lime
Replace Your Other Beverages
Once you figure out the flavor combinations you like the most, make enough juice to last for a few days at a time. Then, start replacing your other beverage choices with it. Skip the soda at lunchtime and avoid the long coffee shop line in the afternoon. In addition to the extra nutrition you will be giving your body, replacing these drinks with your homemade green juice will also boost your energy, improve the appearance of your skin, eliminate refined sugars, and help you maintain a healthy weight.
Aim for Everyday Enjoyment
You've already resolved to improve your overall health and wellness, so let your green juice do the work! Give it the chance to become an important part of your routine by committing to a glass of it every day. Who knows? It may even serve as your daily reminder that with a little effort, great health is right on the horizon!
Drinking Your Greens
You always used to be told to eat your vegetables. Well, with green juice in your life, you can now drink them too! Green juice is the perfect alternative to those other beverages, and they will help get you on the path to improved health and wellness in no time! So, head into the kitchen, start creating those flavor combinations, and enjoy the power of green! Your body will thank you for it!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Culver City, Calif.