Deck the Halls Without the Discomfort
By Brandi Goodman
Decorating for the holidays is a popular tradition that many households follow. Failing to do it the right way however can quickly lead to pain. You can deck the halls without the discomfort by utilizing a few tips.
Brace Yourself
A back brace helps to prevent you from twisting too far. It can also reduce some of the tension you might otherwise feel as you struggle to get your decorations put up properly. Buy a brace that fits well and wear it only when you need the extra protection during activities such as these. Knee and shoulder braces are also available if you tend to have pain in these areas and want the extra support.
Enlist Help
Never decorate alone. You don't want to spend hours upon hours attempting to get all the work done and end up with a sore back in the process. Enlist help so the job gets done quickly and you don't overwork your body. Having a few people or more helping will make the process even faster.
Have Everything Ready
Don't start decorating until you have everything ready to go. Make sure you have a ladder in place for outdoor decorations. Have all your boxes opened and sorted so you know what you're grabbing each time. Keep all necessary hooks, tape, or other equipment nearby. You'll be less likely to reach and overextend yourself if you have things ready to use.
Another tip for this is to wear a tool belt. You can place all of your hooks and things inside the belt and have them available to you when you need them. This is especially helpful if you have to get up on a ladder and need things at your disposal.
Bend at Your Knees
Never bend forward at the waist and attempt to pick things up. You should bend at your knees and use your legs to lift instead. This will prevent you from hurting your back, which is commonly hurt during decorating and other household activities. This is especially important if you're attempting to pick up a large box of decorations or the Christmas tree.
Get your home decorated for the holidays without feeling discomfort in your back, shoulders, and neck. You can avoid pain by keeping a few tips in mind and making sure you're being extra careful when getting the decorations hung. 'Tis the season to be jolly, not sore.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Eastvale, Calif.