Feet Can Stand Between You And Better Health
By Tom Herrin
When people think of health and fitness, they usually think about working out or some kind of exercise. Maybe jogging come to mind. Maybe some think about one of those rigorous workout programs. The picture in the mind may be someone in gym shorts or a windsuit. One of the most critical parts of any program involving exercise, particularly if it includes much running, is footwear. In fact, the sum total of the workout experience for many people may have to do with what they wear on their feet. They may not even realize it.
The Burden of the Wrong Footwear
Many times the whole problem with shoes is that people either don’t think enough about it, or they just buy the wrong thing. I have made that mistake myself. At one time, when I was refereeing youth soccer, I found that my feet would be so tired after only two or three games that there was no way to recover fully for the remainder of the day. I thought I was wearing the right shoes never realizing their weight. I decided to look for a new pair. After looking at all of the major shoe stores, I looked at one of the discount stores. The salesperson convinced me the benefits of one extremely lightweight shoe. It was cheap enough, so I bought them. They were great, and my feet never felt better.
The Less Shoe, The Better
When it comes to most activities, shoes should be as inconspicuous a possible. They only need to provide proper cushion. It is critical that a person is able to move about unrestricted in performing any kind of moving around. There are plenty of shoes that are referred to as minimal. It is a somewhat newer catch phrase, but it is very fitting.
Proper Footwear Can Be The Greatest Factor In Conditioning
When someone really wants to get into better condition, selecting the right shoes may make all the difference. If the feet ache and hurt after a workout, something is wrong. They may be tired, but there is a huge difference between feeling tired and killing you. If you feel like you need to take them off your feet, they are the wrong ones. The shoes I bought were less than $35. They were great and feel like a good pair of house shoes. When I run, they still give me support. If you are serious about improving your conditioning, go find a pair of good shoes. After that, the rest may seem like a piece of cake.
To learn more about your health and wellness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic.