Why You Should Totally Indulge in Dark Chocolate
By Genevieve Cunningham
Chocolate. We all love it, but unfortunately, we know that it's not good for our health … or our waistlines. For the most part, these worries don’t stop us! We still eat plenty of chocolate and worry about the negative side effects later. But what if there were a way to enjoy chocolate without worrying over calories, waistlines, extra fat, or other health concerns? As it turns out, there may be! If you love a pinch of chocolate on the daily, but you’d like to live without the guilt, take a look at these reasons to switch over to dark chocolate completely guilt-free.
It’s Full of Antioxidants
You've heard of this magic word antioxidants. But what are antioxidants? Antioxidants are compounds within the body that help to protect and repair cell damage. This means that replication is able to happen more efficiently and your body stays healthier as a whole. As it turns out, dark chocolate is chocked full of antioxidants. By eating just a little bit at night, you may be filling your body with these healthy components that can boost your health in a big way and keep your body headed in the right direction.
It’s a Brain Booster
Dark chocolate is thought to enhance the health of the brain. Part of this is because of the antioxidant content. But dark chocolate also contains other nutrients that are good for brain health. While it won't reverse any significant damage or ward off major disease, it can definitely help keep your memory sharp and your cognitive function clear. If you're looking for a delicious way to keep your brain healthy, eating a little bit of dark chocolate may be just the way to do it.
It Satisfies a Sweet Tooth
If we're being serious, one of the best reasons to eat dark chocolate is because it is absolutely delicious. For those who have a sweet tooth, avoiding all kinds of sweets is incredibly difficult. With dark chocolate, you don't have to. You can eat a little bit of this goodie once a day without any negative side effects. And this can help to satisfy that sweet craving without going overboard. Dark chocolate is a little bit bitter, so you won't even want to eat as much as you might with milk chocolate. If you really just need something sweet at the end of the day, dark chocolate is an excellent choice with excellent health benefits.
If you want to keep chocolate in your life but you don't want to gain weight, eating dark chocolate may be the best choice that you have. It may take some getting used to if you're not used to the flavor, but many people find that after just a few days of this sweet treat, they enjoy it even more than its milk chocolate counterpart. Give it a try to see if it can replace the other sweets in your life, and you may have found a way to have your cake and eat it, too.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Encinitas, Calif.