Surprising Ways Water Can Improve Your Health
By Genevieve Cunningham
You already know that water is good for you. You've been told time and again to drink more water. But how many of us actually take this seriously? If we're being honest with ourselves, not very many. We simply don't understand the need. We're all doing OK with our current habits, right? Why rock the boat? But what if water could bring even more benefits than just keeping you hydrated? It can! If you're having a hard time skipping the soda in lieu of water, take a look at these surprising ways that drinking more H2O can improve your health.
It Can Help Your Complexion
Clear skin isn't necessarily a physical health concern, but it's most definitely a mental health concern. We feel better when our skin is clear and healthy, and drinking more water might lead to an improvement in the way your skin looks and feels. People who stay properly hydrated suffer fewer blemishes and have skin that is softer and more supple. If you suffer from skin problems, drinking more water daily may fix your problems right up.
It Can Improve Digestion
You've probably heard that water can help you lose weight. This is partly because drinking water keeps your stomach full, which then prevents us from eating too much food. But it's also because water helps to keep the digestive process in the body moving and efficient. And a healthy digestive system helps us get the nutrients we need, pushes toxins out of the body, and keeps us healthier overall.
It Can Clear Your Mind
Dehydration can make you totally lose your focus. You may not be able to pay attention at all. You may not be able to focus for long periods of time. You may even have headaches that prevent you from completing tasks. But water can keep the brain hydrated properly, which can eliminate headaches and improve your focus. If you've noticed that concentration is more difficult than necessary, look to increase your water consumption to improve this part of your life.
We have to drink more water! We convince ourselves that it's not necessary, but it's one of the healthiest things that we can do for our bodies and minds. Drink more water throughout your day every day, and you may notice these and other improvements in your health moving forward.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Encinitas, Calif.