Why an Active Lifestyle is So Important
By Genevieve Cunningham
You've already heard that being active is important. You've not just heard it, but you've been told over and over again. Activity and movement simply can't be beat when it comes to healthy living. But even with the constant advice being thrown your direction, you still aren't as active as you should be. Sound familiar? Of course it does! We're all guilty of craving a Netflix binge more than a workout. But it's time to make changes -- real changes that promote a healthy life. If you still haven't taken the plunge and increased your movement, take a look at these serious reasons why you should get active and stay that way every day.
It's Good for Weight Maintenance
Most people are unhappy with their current weight. Usually it's because we're carrying around too many pounds. The food and TV are too good to resist, and we end up with a few too many around the middle. But being active -- being up and moving and constantly on the go -- can help negate this habit of snacking and chilling out in front of the TV. Those who are fit and are at a healthy weight for their age and height are definitely more active than those who are not. If you want to keep your weight under control, make sure that activity is a constant in your life.
It's Good for Mental Health
Taking care of mental health is so important in our modern world. There are so many things vying for our attention, and we're constantly comparing ourselves to everyone around us. It's no wonder that we're having more mental health problems than ever before! But activity is a good way to improve mental health. Movement is linked to physical health, as we all know, but it's linked to mental health as well. Moving about helps to lower stress and boost the happy chemicals in your brain. If mental health is important to you, fill your life with activities that you love and stay busy.
It Promotes Longevity
People who live to a ripe old age are active. When you stop moving, it becomes harder to move. You lose flexibility and motivation. The more you sit, the more you want to sit. It's a terrible negative cycle. If you want to live for many years, you definitely need to stay active. This activity both improves the number of years in your life as well as the quality of those years. If a long life is one of your goals, get active and stay that way from here on out.
If you're not active in your life right now, it's not too late. No matter how old you are or what shape you're in, you can start moving and totally transform your health and life. Find some activity that you enjoy, get busy, and you'll be feeling better than ever in no time at all.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Glendale, Calif.