What to Include in Your Happy Space
By Brandi Goodman
When you suffer from mental illness, you may find it difficult to remain optimistic. You may feel isolated and alone, depressed, have negative thoughts and feelings, or racing thoughts that won't quiet no matter what you seem to try. Creating your own happy space is one way to tame your thoughts and quiet your mind when nothing else is working. It's important that you make this spot as happy as possible so it's more likely to work. Here's what to include.
Your Favorite Colors
Color psychology is very real. There are certain colors that people tend to associate with things that can make them feel either happy or sad. Include your favorite colors that make you feel joyful in your happy space. Looking at them should invoke a sense of peace and tranquility that makes you want to keep looking at them. Blue is often a calming color, but won't have that same effect for everyone.
Pictures of Loved Ones
If you have children, a spouse, significant other, sibling, close friend, or another person in your life who makes you feel happy and loved, be sure to include their picture in your happy space. Seeing them may make you realize you have someone who needs you. It can help you to get back to reality if your mind has drifted from it.
Creative Outlets
Being creative is a great way to get your mind off stressful situations. Include a couple of creative outlets you enjoy in your happy space so you can sit there and do them when you're feeling down. This could be as simple as having an adult coloring book with some colored pencils or crayons or a full art set if you like to draw or design. Beads for making jewelry, Play-Doh, and other art project materials are also beneficial to have on hand. Immerse yourself in your creative process and see what comes to life.
Positive Quotes
Since the goal is to feel happy and well in this space, including a positive quote or two can come in handy. These quotes should truly be inspiring and make you see what life has to offer. "Be strong because things will get better. It may be stormy now, but it never rains forever," is one such quote you may want to include. It reminds you that storms and rainy days never last and things will get better eventually.
Mental health should always be a top priority. When you're feeling all right and have the ability to do so, put together a happy space with all the things you love most and give you a true sense of joy. This is the location you should go anytime you're feeling at your lowest. It will hopefully improve your mood and give you that boost you need to make it through.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Gold River, Calif.