Keep Your Friends By Your Side Year-Round
By Brandi Goodman
Friends aren't just for holiday gatherings and special occasions. You need your friends in order to survive. It's important to maintain contact with the people you're close with as often as possible so you can experience better mental well-being. Your relationship with your friends can impact your health in numerous ways.
Coping With Stress
Stress can get the best of us. It's easy to let stress from one area of life, such as work, spill over into other aspects of it. Spending time with friends can help us cope. We can vent our problems, swap stories, or just spend time doing other things to help take our mind off it all. Time spent with a friends is a great coping technique for stress.
Reducing Symptoms of Depression
It's easy to feel depressed when you're on your own to deal with things. Friendships can help to reduce symptoms of depression. That's not to say people who have lots of friends won't ever be depressed -- there's lots of factors that play into it -- but having people who can listen and you know care is a great start to combating them. Feeling like you're not alone in this world and there are friends who have your back can help you to feel better in a lot of instances.
Increasing Life Span
Depression, stress, and illness are all things that can affect our life span. Friendships can as well -- but in a good way. Studies show that those who continue to socialize with others and maintain friendships have a longer lifespan than those who stay to themselves. There's often more to live for and others who are there helping you stay positive and want to continue fighting. Of course other factors always come into play, but having friends can help.
How to Make New Friends
Maybe you're someone who doesn't have many friends. There's always opportunities to make new ones if you try to put yourself out there. Volunteer. This will put you in contact with others who are also giving their time as well as make you feel good that you're helping those less fortunate than you. It can help you to see the difference you can make as well. You can also take up a new interest -- try a fitness class, join a sports team, or go to church. You can socialize with other members and gain some friends in the process.
Your mental well-being can truly be enhanced with friends by your side. Spend as much time as possible with the ones you love so you can experience a better mood and less stress overall. Even just a quick conversation on the phone can be what you need for a better mindset.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Gold River, Calif.