Finding Balance: Work and Family
By Rachel Shouse
You may feel like you don't have time to juggle everything that's expected of you in one day. Whilst you are far from alone, no one should spend their life stressed. Everyone should feel joy at some point during their day. It's normal to go through periods when this is a bit more difficult; however, it should not be a daily issue. If you've been feeling sad more often than you have felt happy, then it's time for some change. Learning how to better organize your time, set boundaries, and reduce your stress are all helpful when you're looking to create some balance in your life.
Organizing Your Day Differently
I tip my hat to the working parents reading this. You're doing something few could even try to fathom. Here you are though-giving it your all. That's really the first step: learning to tell yourself that you've done well.
After that, however, it's time to evaluate your day. Most of us can pinpoint that one activity that we're dreading the most; it could be work, laundry, picking the kids up from school, etc. Some responsibilities can't be delegated or given to another member of your family entirely; however, if you can find something to pass off, please do.
Another little idea that might help is to get the bulk of your work done at the time of day that you function the best. You know what early birds and night owls are: one enjoys the morning while the other enjoys the evening. Also consider doing that task you're dreading first. That way it's not looming over your head all the live-long day.
Setting Boundaries
Setting boundaries is generally seen as a negative experience. This happens because we usually don't set up boundaries until they're needed. You don't need to feel guilt for doing this, although it's normal to feel bad. No one wants to have this kind of conversation, but think about what your life would look like once you jump this hurdle.
Reducing Stress Wherever You Are
You may associate stress relief with places like spas, massage parlors, nail salons, etc. There are products available that you can use at home instead -- if that's what you're looking for. Products like diffusers are really handy at home. If you're going to need something on-the-go, try an essential oil necklace or bracelet. They contain little sponges that you soak in essential oils, making it much more workplace friendly.
Don't let this information overwhelm you. Implement these ideas one at a time. It takes time, adjusting to change. It actually takes three months to form a habit. You can probably do more than one in a three-month period, but that should help you see how much time it takes for anyone to develop any habit. Be kind to yourself.
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