Pain: The Great Game-Changer
By Donna Kostiew
Pain sure does have a way with changing things, doesn’t it? It can turn the strong into the weak, the kind into the angry, and the adventurous into the couch potato. It can change the most patient person into a rash decision-maker and often replaces the calm with desperation. The reasons that people are in pain can be complicated, and relief from it can be elusive, so it is completely understandable to see those who suffer turn to pain medications for just a little bit of relief. The problem though? Well, it’s not just about a problem, but the many problems that can potentially come with the use of painkillers.
The Downside to Painkillers
Pain medication can be very beneficial for all different types of circumstances and have helped millions of people get through difficult situations, but there is a dangerous side to its usage as well … especially if taken for chronic pain over long periods of time. Some of the potential problems that can come with painkillers are:
- Gastrointestinal damage
- Renal complications
- Increased cardiovascular risk
- Serious allergic reactions
- Emotional dysfunction
- Addiction
There is no doubt that pain medications bring relief, but they do nothing to cure the source of the problem … they only mask the symptoms. They are best used for temporary conditions, and not as a long-term treatment for pain. So instead of choosing the path that may be lined with more problems down the road, consider seeing a chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic to find the source and manage your pain.
The Benefits of Chiropractic Care
The body has its own innate ability to heal itself, and chiropractic care helps to restore and maintain its health and vitality by:
- Addressing the root of the problem
- Removing nerve interferences
- Promoting proper functioning for optimal health
- Encouraging healing from the inside out
- Sidestepping any use of drugs or invasive surgeries
There are many factors that can affect the body’s health, so chiropractors focus their efforts on finding and treating the source of the problem, rather than simply treating its symptoms. Chiropractic care is a safe, natural, and effective way to treat and manage pain. The adjustments your chiropractor performs properly align the spine, which is crucial to having a healthy nervous system. Normal nerve transmission and function helps to stimulate the body’s communications and allows the body to recuperate on its own, which is much better than taking on additional health risks with medications.
It’s time to put the “power to change” back into your own hands and start living the life you want. Visit the office of your local chiropractor and start saying those goodbyes to all of your pain.
To learn more about your health and wellness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in La Verne, Calif.