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Reduce Your Coffee Intake With These Simple Tips

By Donna Stark

Whether it's simply a small indulgence in the quiet, early hours of your morning or a much-needed headache eliminator for what lies ahead, coffee has certainly become a staple in millions of homes across the country. It is a drink that can be both good and bad for you, but if you are teetering on more of the bad than you are the good, you may want to think about limiting your intake. It won't be easy, but it can be done with some simple changes to your lifestyle.

Cutting Back on Coffee

If you have been advised to cut back on your coffee intake or just want to make this change on your own, you are going to need a plan. Take a look at the following tips on how you can wake up and start your day without needing to consume cup after cup of joe.

Stretch and Work Out

In general, stretching and exercise are great for your health, but they are also the perfect way to stimulate your body in the morning. Morning workouts can help get your blood pumping, will jump-start your metabolism, and may clear your mind of all the extra sleepy dust.

Head Outdoors

If you aren't the morning workout type of person, don't worry! You can still fight those feelings of morning fatigue with some help from everyone's favorite mother ... Mother Nature, that is. By simply heading outdoors for a walk, you can start the day feeling more alert and inspired. On top of that, it can help set your circadian rhythm too!

Eat a Solid Breakfast

Don't make the mistake of thinking that coffee is the only source of energy you can choose in the morning. Eating a nutritious breakfast filled with protein, healthy fat, and carbohydrates will give your body both an immediate boost and a long-lasting supply of it, so start cooking!

Find a New Beverage

There are several good beverage alternatives that may make it easier to cut the amount of coffee you consume every day. You can fill up with a healthy smoothie, you can try drinking a cold glass of cold water, or if you prefer a warm beverage, you can replace your cup of joe with a hot cup of tea. Also, if you are having a hard time cutting back and are experiencing withdrawal symptoms, try drinking half-cafs (half the amount of caffeine) for the first week or so.

Keep At It

Like most habits you need to break, quitting coffee may not be easy, especially if it's been a life-long habit. But the good thing to keep in mind is that it's not impossible! Just keep your eye on the goal and not on your empty cup!

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in La Verne, Calif. 

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