How to Get a Great Night's Sleep
By Sara Butler
Some people thrive with a to-do list. Sure, seeing a long list of things you need to do over the course of the day or the week can feel overwhelming, but for people that utilize to-do lists, they help them to be more productive and get stuff done.
The beauty of to-do lists is that they can be applied to anything, including bedtime. If you're struggling with creating a bedtime routine that helps you settle down and get the full night's rest your body needs to work optimally, then you should consider a bedtime to-do list of your own. Here are a few things you should put on that to-do list to start about one hour before you hit the hay each night.
Wind-Down With an Activity
When you're trying to prepare for bed, an activity may be the last thing on your mind. You shouldn't do anything that's going to key you up but you can do activities that work to calm you and help you get ready for slumber.
Taking a warm shower, reading a book, or even quietly listening to some relaxing music are a few things you can do to help you settle down and prepare for bed.
Don't Judge
If you have a day where you're not getting to bed when you planned, don't focus on how much sleep you won't be getting that night. Instead, try to think positively.
Everyone has had those nights where you look at the minutes on the clock tick by and start to worry about how little shut-eye is going to happen before you have to get up and face the day. If you find yourself falling into that trap, try to soothe yourself and know that you'll be fine the next day. Redirect your thinking to more positive things.
Take a Warm Shower
A great way to wind down before bed is with a warm shower or bath. About one hour before you want to lay down, take a warm shower or bath to help soothe your tired muscles and relax your mind. Studies have shown that doing so can help to increase the quality of your sleep and help you fall asleep, too. Just make sure to give yourself enough time for your body temperature to fall so you can go to sleep. The cooler you can be at bedtime, the easier you'll fall asleep.
Sleep is important, so do what you have to in order to get enough of it!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Los Angeles, Calif.