Do You Have Dead Butt Syndrome?
By Sara Butler
The term “Dead Butt Syndrome” may conjure some interesting visuals, but it’s an actual problem that can strike the most active people you know. You might think that DBS is something suffered by couch potatoes who spend a large amount of time sitting on their butts watching television, but the truth is that it’s a syndrome that impacts the buttock muscles of very active people – very active people with sedentary desk jobs. Here’s what you need to know to avoid a dead butt and how your chiropractor can help!
It’s a Turnoff
Sitting is bad for you. In fact, it’s so bad for you that it’s been referred to as the new smoking. When you spend hours a day in a seated position it can impact your hip flexor, or psoas muscles, by putting them in a shortened position. Enough time spent in this position can eventually lead to shortened, contracted position all the time.
When a muscle in your body is contracted, it will relax a muscle on the other side of the joint. This is a concept called reciprocal inhibition. It’s not always a bad thing – your triceps have to relax in order for your biceps to lift that dumbbell when you work out, after all. But when you’re talking about a sustained contraction then it’s definitely not something you should be striving for. In fact, it leads you right to a dead butt.
What is Dead Butt Syndrome?
As mentioned, when you experience a sustained contraction in one group of muscles, such as your hip flexors, it will cause opposite muscles to relax. When you’re talking about your psoas muscles, then the muscles getting “turned off” in the equation are your glutes – the muscle group in your butt. If those muscles are turned off for a sustained period, then they become weak and will misfire when you exercise. This leaves you exposed to injury and dysfunction.
How Your Chiropractor Can Help
When you see your chiropractor and discover you’re suffering from DBS, they will want to apply techniques to help the frozen muscles release in order to reactivate the muscles that have been relaxed for sustained periods.
As they work on this during your office visits they will also want you to try some things when you’re at home or work. For example, taking frequent breaks throughout the day is a great way to break the cycle of DBS. Strengthening exercises may also be recommended in order to help restore function and strength to your butt.
If you fear you are suffering from DBS then get your tush into The Joint Chiropractic today!