Why a Little Exercise is Better Than Nothing
By Genevieve Cunningham
Sometimes exercise feels like a trap. We know we're supposed to do it, but there never seems to be enough time. And when we do have a little time, we're exhausted. It feels like a game we can't win. Of course, some people say to simply do what you can. You can only handle a 10-minute walk? Do that! But for many of us, that just seems like a waste of time. Surely a 10-minute walk won't do any good in the long run, right? Wrong! If you've been thinking that you can't exercise because you don't have enough time, take a look at these reasons why just a little bit of exercise is better than nothing -- and then get started today!
It Gets You Started
The hardest part of exercise is getting started. Once you begin, it's not so bad to keep going. But making that initial decision -- that's the tough part! Getting in just a little bit of exercise gets you over the hump. It gets you moving. Even if that's all you can manage, you've finally begun! Get started in whatever way you can, and you can build on your exercise routine from there.
It Still Challenges the Body
Even small amounts of exercise can challenge the body. It taxes the muscles and burns calories and improves stamina. Even if that's just a little bit at a time, it's still making progress. It's still getting you closer to your goals. If you could change your body in just 10 minutes per day, would you do it? Of course you would! But what we don't realize is that by partaking in just that little bit of exercise, you really are changing your body -- just in a slow and steady way.
It Gets Your Head in the Game
Once you get your mind on board, everything else is easier. Of course, getting your mind to go along with your plans is the hardest part of it all. Doing just a little bit of exercise gets your mind thinking about exercise. It gets you thinking about the changes that you can make to your body. And once you get your head in the game, it will create a positive cycle of thoughts that might turn into healthier living. When we're lazy, we want to stay that way. And when we get moving, we want to move more! Use this tiny bit of exercise as a way to improve your thoughts and move in a healthier direction overall.
You don't have to work out for hours on end to make progress. You just need a plan and some willingness to stick with it. Work out for a simple 10 or 15 minutes every day, and change will happen. With just a little movement, you'll feel better about your health, your body, and your life moving forward.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Monterey Park, Calif.