'Walk Don't Run' May Be a Statement for Health
By Tom Herrin
When people hear the expression stating that someone should walk and not run, it often has to do with crowd control or managing some kind of behavior. In that case, the notion of walking means that exercising more caution in what they are doing is a safer way of doing things than rushing. When it comes to boosting health, taking the slower and more moderate path may be more productive. It certainly may help people to be more successful with their efforts and less likely to burn out with those same efforts.
Never Overdo It
While there may be some great benefits from getting out there and giving it everything you've got, it is never wise to plunge into a routine of intense exercise without first getting the body in condition. For those who have been sedentary for quite a while, doing something is far better than doing nothing. It is also much safer. A study from the American Journal of Preventive Medicine found that those who walked only two hours per week were 26 percent less likely to die early than those who were sedentary. That can be a much lower level of physical stress with good results.
Lifelong Practices Are Best
People are rarely too old to do some kind of exercise. Maintaining activity is critical to health. If people will strive for a minimum amount of activity, they may expect to manage blood pressure, help prevent heart disease and some cancers, and deter a few other common health issues. The problem is that too many of those 65 and older allow themselves to become too inactive. It has been recommended that they get at least 2 1/2 hours of moderate exercise per week. At the same time, it has been estimated that fewer than 20 percent of those in that group get that amount.
Establishing Our Own Program May Be Best
Finding ways to get more exercise out of what we ordinarily do can yield good results. I try to add a few steps to whatever I do as much as possible. Taking the stairs when possible, walking to the corner store, or simply walking around the yard picking things up may be a start. When I do things such as this, I find that it is a little easier to motivate myself to be active. It is not always the big things that accomplish what we do, but the small ones can often do even better. A little more activity may go a long way.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Redlands, Calif.