Early Rising for Better Health and Happiness
By Stephen R. Farris
If you're looking to improve the quality of your life, then you might start thinking about getting to bed earlier and getting up earlier.
Research studies have shown that the majority of healthy people who go to bed early and get up early are generally in a better mood at the start of the day, which usually lasts throughout. They're able to concentrate better and get more accomplished with time to spare for the fun things in life, or to catch up on those honey-do chores.
There are many more health benefits to going to bed early and getting up early. If you're not reaping these health benefits, here's your chance by doing some of the following tips that can help get you started.
Setting Your Alarm Earlier
Before laying down to sleep, set your alarm a little earlier than normal. No need to go all-in on the first attempt. If your goal is to get up two hours earlier than usual, try using increments of setting the alarm to wake up a half an hour earlier -- for example -- than your old time. Do this for the first week, then bump it back another half-hour the second week. In a month you should meet your goal.
Find Motivation
It's not fun unless you're having fun. The same goes for making lifestyle changes. If you're not motivated to get up early then chances are you'll fall back to your old routine. If you're adamant about making a change then you should consider finding something to help motivate you. For instance, you might not have had the time to workout the way you'd like. Now is the opportune time to do just that. Maybe you've always wanted to finish work earlier so you'd have time for other things in life, or to hang out with your friends. If it's something you look forward to, then consider that a way to be motivated.
Keep in mind to reward yourself for accomplishing your goals. Getting up early means you'll have more time to stop and enjoy that smoothie at your favorite cafe, or do a little more shopping than before. It won't hurt, plus rewarding yourself can also be considered another motivational tool in your lifestyle change arsenal.
Just remember, don't hang around in the bedroom for too long after getting up early. You might be tempted to crawl back under the covers.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Rocklin, Calif.