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Milk Could Be a Great Source of Nutrition for You

By Tom Herrin

Most of us grew up with the knowledge that milk was an essential part of a healthy diet.  It is true that we need it, and it can provide many of the things we need in order to grow and develop.  For anyone who attended public school, it was a critical part of their meals.  The federal nutrition programs have always required milk to be served with every meal.  As a result, milk was a major part of our diets until we were considerably older.  On the other hand, as we grew older, many of us abandon milk in favor of other kinds of drinks.  Too many times, we avoided it completely.

Milk May Help the Heart

Even though many have tried to shy away from some kinds of milk recently due to the fat, other research indicates that milk with fat may actually help the heart.  It is believed that the fat in milk may help to raise HDL, or good cholesterol.  It has also been found that milk may be good for those who suffer from type 2 diabetes.  This would be especially good news as this disease appears to be rampant among many at this time.

Not All People Are the Same

While milk may do wonders for some, others may need to exercise caution when drinking it.  There are many who have allergies to some kinds of milk.  A lot or people are lactose intolerant.  Many others have trouble with the fat.  More recently, it has been discovered that many individuals cannot tolerate one of the proteins in cow's milk.  That is referred to as A1.  This seems to have created a market demand for A2 milk.  This does not have that other protein.  For some, it is a good solution.

Determine What You Want From Milk

People drink milk for all kinds of reasons.  Some do so for the calcium while others may drink it for the high amount of protein it contains.  Milk has a large water content, so drinking it may serve as a good way to support weight management as you can get plenty of protein and avoid hunger as well. For those who need calcium but can't tolerate regular milk, there are some good options.  One is almond milk which is higher in calcium than regular milk.  The bottom line is that you may not want to eliminate milk.  You may just want to manage it better.

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Rosemead, Calif.

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