Closing out the Sunlight May Hurt
By Tom Herrin
Too many times, people seem to turn into recluses once the nights become longer and the days become shorter. They take this as a time in which they can shut themselves in and watch more television, or read more books, than should be legal. This shutting in may be a way of closing out the world, and the light. Sunlight is no secret, it is one of the simplest forms of vitamins around. Letting the light in every day for a while can work wonders. If we will just make a commitment to ourselves to take in more sunlight each day, we may reap some surprising benefits.
Pick up Our Mood
It is easy to find ourselves in a bad mood when we don't see the sun. Going for days without any real sunshine in our lives. For many seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, can set in. I know that first hand. Too many days with gray skies and no sunshine can quickly get to me. I find myself being unable to function at my best. Much of this can be changed by letting the sunshine in or getting outdoors where the sun is. This can improve our mood in general and our outlook on life.
Gain Energy
When you are exposed to sunlight, your brain has some favorable reactions. Your eyes, being the window to the brain, detect light and tell the brain it is time to wake up. It seems to shift into a higher gear and releases cortisol which is needed to increase the metabolism. This means a person is more alert and has a higher level of energy. It is a purely natural process that requires nothing from a pill bottle. It can be a truly great feeling.
Avoid the Off-Season Blues
Most of us tend to lose some of our productivity when the days are shorter. Much of this is due to this lack of sunlight. Whether we open our windows or go outdoors, either one will let the sunlight flow more freely. When I have those gray days, I look hard for any kind of natural light and, preferably, blue skies. It is one of those things that can pick me up and make me feel that I can suddenly do anything. Chances are it can work for you as well. Don't miss out.
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