Tips to Help Curb Your Stress Eating
By Donna Stark
Most people will agree that the past year has been quite the stressful one. From outside stressors to conflicts in the home, there certainly hasn't been a shortage of things to be worried about, has there? And when you mix them all together, it's a recipe for disaster. But that's not all it's a recipe for. It's also a recipe for stress eating. If you are turning to food as a way to cope, keep reading. Your local chiropractors have some suggestions on how you can overcome your desire to eat and improve your overall health and wellness in the process.
Understand What Triggers You
Do you reach for the ice cream container after watching the news? Do you grab the chocolate when your kids don't listen? It's important to understand the reasons and emotions that get you moving toward the kitchen so you can address them as quickly as possible. When you become more aware of what is causing you to react that way, you may be able to stop yourself in your tracks.
Eat the Right Foods
Foods rich in Vitamin B can help regulate and balance your stress levels and moods, so head to the store and stock up. Fill your cart with salmon, leafy greens, eggs, sweet potatoes, almonds, avocados, bananas, and chicken. When eaten regularly, these foods can help reduce your desire to stress eat. You can also ask your doctor for advice on supplements.
Remove Temptations From Your Home
Keeping your favorite chips, cookies, and ice cream fully stocked in your home will only tempt you when your stress hits an all-time high. If you want to reduce your stress eating, you may want to think about removing those items from your home, or at least until you can find alternative ways to manage your stress.
Get Adjusted
Staying on top of the stress in your life is important for many reasons and fortunately, your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic can help. By easing tension, regulating moods, and reducing anxiety, chiropractic adjustments can decrease stress and help you improve your overall well-being.
Be Kind to Yourself
The most important tip to follow during these trying times is to be kind to yourself. Give yourself some grace when you are feeling particularly stressed, practice as many stress-management techniques as you can, and do what is right for your body. Get plenty of rest, exercise daily, and fill your body with good nutrition. It's the best way to be ready for whatever may come your way this year.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in San Marcos, Calif.