Want Better Health? Reduce Your Sugar Consumption!
By Donna Stark
Even with the knowledge that sugar is bad for your health, do you still find it difficult to control your sweet tooth? If so, you may want to keep reading. Your local chiropractors at The Joint Chiropractic have put together a list of their favorite tips on how to satisfy your cravings while cutting back on those sweets. These tips are simple and easy to incorporate into your daily routine, so why not give a few of them a try? It's time to take control of your sugar consumption before sugar takes control of you!
Be Consistent With Mealtimes
Whether you are eating three, five, or six meals a day, make sure you are eating them at the same times. If you don't have consistency with your mealtimes, there is an increased risk of your blood sugar dropping and you may end up craving those sugary snacks to get you through.
Opt for a Healthier Breakfast
Fancy coffee drinks, sugary cereals, cinnamon buns ... these are actually the worst things you can eat for breakfast because they will often lead to more sugar cravings the rest of the day. Try to incorporate healthy versions of protein and fats, and fill your plate at least half full of vegetables and fruit. This will help regulate blood sugar levels. Can't imagine eating vegetables for breakfast? Smoothies could be the easy solution here!
Drink Water or Get Moving
There are times when we mistake our thirst for hunger or a food craving and times when we are tempted to feed our boredom. To prevent these two from occurring, make sure you are drinking the recommended amount of water each day and keep your body and mind active! Even if you just get up to stretch or take a short walk around the office, it may be just enough to distract you from grabbing that candy bar.
Keep it Out of the House
You can't eat what you don't buy, so leave the sugary treats on the shelf at the grocery store and fill your cart with healthier snack options. Buy a bunch of bananas instead of that bag of cookies and pack some pretzels for work instead of hitting the local coffee shop. It won't be long before your body starts to crave the healthier foods in place of the sugary ones.
You Can Do This!
Reducing the amount of sugar you consume can save you from dealing with many different health complications down the road, so take a moment and seriously decide on committing to one, two, or all of the tips above. Your future health will thank you for it!
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in San Marcos, Calif.