3 Reasons Your Exercise Routine Needs to Change
By Genevieve Cunningham
Participating in a regular exercise routine is one of the best things you can do for your body and overall health. Without regular exercise, every part of your body suffers -- from your muscles to your mind. If you're exercising on a regular basis, you're already doing a good job. But is there ever a time when the same old routine just doesn't cut it anymore? As it turns out, the answer is yes. Any exercise is better than none, but following the exact same routine every day may not be bringing ample benefits to your body. To keep your body moving toward better health, take a look at why you should consider changing your routine.
Your Body Is Used to It
When you first start a particular exercise, it's challenging. It hurts. But over time, your body gets used to it. It doesn't have to work as hard. It knows what to do without any thought or challenge. While this might be good on a day when you're really not feeling the workout, it's better to keep your body guessing. To challenge new muscles and engage the body in new ways. If you want to really change your body, you have to be willing to do new things in new ways from time to time.
To Beat Boredom
The same old, same old is boring. If you eat the same food every day, it gets boring. If you were to watch the same episode every day, it would be boring. And the same is true for exercise. And when things are boring, you're more likely to quit. Do yourself a favor and keep it interesting by changing it up and trying new things.
For Your Mind
The mind needs a challenge just as much as the body. If you don't change up the workout on occasion, your mind just goes through the motions. It doesn't have to think about it. It doesn't have to learn anything new. It isn't challenged in any particular way. But if you change it up with something new, your mind gets a workout too -- which means you're improving both physical and mental health at the same time.
You don't have to change up your workout every single time you go to the gym, but it's a good idea to change it sometimes. To keep it interesting and evolving. Give both your body and mind a break and a challenge with a little change to your routine, and you may find that you reach your goals even faster than before.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Santa Monica, Calif.