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3 Super Simple Tips for Living a Healthier Life

By Genevieve Cunningham

If you're not living a healthy life, it's time to start. Everything about our health affects our quality of life. If our health is poor -- whether it's mental, emotional, or physical health -- the everyday aspects of our lives are going to suffer in a big way. But often times, we make healthy living complicated when it doesn't really have to be. If you're interested in altering your lifestyle to create better health for yourself now and down the road, take a look at these super simple tips to get you started.

Wake Up Early

Waking up early is hard for some people, but it's a beneficial habit if you can keep it. Early birds, according to research, tend to get more sleep, live overall healthier lives, and carry around less extra weight than night owls. Is this true for everyone? Of course not! But as a whole, you can expect the early risers to have better health. If this is a hard one for you, just take it slow while you transition.

Go for Walks

Walking is a good way to get in a gentle cardio workout. Those who walk regularly have been shown to have better physical and mental health. One of the best times to go for a walk is after dinner. Why? Because walking can lower your blood sugar naturally -- a good thing to do after a big meal. But no matter when you can squeeze it in, walking should definitely be a regular and consistent part of your life.

Avoid Screens

This one is definitely simple, but it's not at all easy. When we spend a lot of time in front of a screen, we inevitably harm our own health. It strains our eyes, causes pain in the neck and back, and encourages a sedentary lifestyle. It's not good! If you really want to improve your health, try to limit the time spent looking at a screen. This includes your phone, tablet, laptop, or even the TV. Yes, it's a hard habit to break, but it will be worth the effort once the habit has finally been kicked.

Healthy living can be simple. It can be easy. It can have a huge impact on the way that you feel every day. Try adding these three easy tips to your life, and watch the improvements that come flooding in starting now and lasting for years to come. 

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in South Gate, Calif.

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