Sunny and Safe: Tips for Healthy Sun Exposure
By Genevieve Cunningham
Some people claim the sun is the enemy. It dries our skin and gives us sunburns. Other people claim that the sun is necessary. It provides Vitamin D and boosts our moods. So what's the truth? As all things in life, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. The sun can absolutely be dangerous, but it's also an essential for good health and wellness. The key is to get sun exposure in safe and manageable ways. So where do we begin? If you're ready to soak in some sun without risking your health, take a look at these tips that can help you do it.
Always Wear Sunscreen
Sunscreen should not be an option in your skincare routine. It should be an absolute necessity. No matter where you live or what the weather is like for the day, you should be in the habit of applying and reapplying sunscreen. Put it on in the morning, and then put it on again later in the day. If you plan on spending more time than usual outside, put on a little more. Sunscreen is one of your best defenses against the sun's harmful rays, so don't skip this very important step.
Always Know Your Limits
Everyone's skin is different, and so everyone's skin tolerates the sun differently. Some people can only be in the sun for a few short minutes before they burn. Others may be able to stay in the sun for a bit longer before they turn a beautiful golden color. The key is to know your own personal limits. If you burn easily, get out of the sun. If you don't burn easily, say a little longer but be aware of any warning signs that your skin needs a break. Knowing your limits ahead of time is extremely important in maintaining good health and protecting your skin long-term.
Always Check Your Skin
Regular skin checks matter. Get to know your skin and look for any sudden or gradual changes. If you notice something that seems off, get it checked by a professional. You are your own first line of defense. Look out for yourself. Protect yourself. Do skin check once per week or one every other week, and take action when necessary.
Protecting your skin is important -- and getting in the sun is important too! Luckily, you can absolutely do both. Use these tips to keep your skin protected while soaking in that necessary Vitamin D. With the right precautions, you can have the best of both worlds and better health too.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Van Nuys, Calif.