How to Dance Your Way to Better Health
By Genevieve Cunningham
Dancing is so much fun. Whether you take professional classes or just dance in the comfort of your own bedroom, everyone busts a move from time to time. It’s natural to hear a good beat and start moving. Even babies do it! But as fun as dancing is and as natural as it comes, perhaps the best part about dancing is that it's incredibly healthy. In fact, dancing can boost your health in a big way. But how? If you're interested in the health benefits of shaking it to your favorite song, take a look at how you can dance your way to better health starting today.
For Mental Health
People don't usually think of mental health when it comes to dancing, but they are absolutely linked. There's something about dancing that allows us to let go of inhibitions. We feel more free and relaxed. And this can be incredibly good for mental well-being. Dancing can help us build self-confidence and teach us to feel good in our own bodies. And in a world full of constant criticism and comparisons, boosting mental tenacity in this way is a serious strength.
For Physical Health
On the more obvious side, dancing can help us build a strong and toned body. Dancing requires that we stretch and gain flexibility. It requires us to use big muscle groups in the legs as well as the core muscles in the middle. Many find that regular dancing leads to weight loss. Others find that it leads to more energy. Dancers are strong and fit, as you've probably noticed before. If you add dancing to your normal workout routine, you'll begin to gain some of that same strength and definition, leaving you feeling more healthy and fit every single day.
Dancing is such a great way to get fit. It's fun and exciting and completely personal. And luckily, it's good for mental and emotional health, too. Don't be shy or reserved when it comes to dancing. Just get out there and give it a try! Join a class or create a playlist to dance to in your own home. You may find that busting a move is a ton of fun and an excellent way to feel good about your body and health from here on out.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in West Covina, Calif.