Have Better Relationships With A Smile
By Tom Herrin
People are funny animals. They do a lot of reading body language, faces, expressions, etc. An amazing amount of things are influenced by small factors. A smile can cover a lot of territory in that it can actually affect more than a few things. There is always that age-old question about which came first. The answers vary according to just what the subject is. It seems that smiling can be a trigger for many things that have to do with not only health but other things such as social interactions and productivity.
It Can Improve A Work Environment
The idea that people who are happy can perform work with greater ease is not a new concept. There are numerous references to the increased productivity of those who express joy as they work. It not only improves the worker, but also lifts others who share the same work environment. There is some indication that those who smile are more likely to be offered promotions. Others often see them as more reliable as well. There are indications that those who smile may be more creative in their jobs than those who don’t. This could be due the fact that they are more open the others and their ideas.
It Can Do Good Things For Health
Smiling can help to slow the heart rate and reduce stress. A lower heart rate allows people to perform more work while becoming less tired. It can also help to relax the face and body which allows better reaction to outside issues that may cause illness. This can help boost the immune system. Smiling can help to release endorphins that can kill pain and act as a natural form of pain relief.
It Can Make You More Attractive
We all know of cases in which we meet people whose smile brighten our day. Everyone enjoys going into some place where they are met by a smiling face. It makes them feel better and more appreciated. Men seem to see women who smile as more approachable than those who make eye contact. Those who smile often seem more understanding of others who experience difficulties in things they do. Shortcomings are shared. It is thought that those who smile may appear as much as three years younger than if they did not. When you are in a group and smile, others may be naturally drawn to you. Smile every chance you get for your own good as well as those around you.
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