Do You Owe Yourself a Nap?
By Tom Herrin
It seems as if people often feel that they owe themselves something. It could be time off, something new, or some kind of delicious but high-calorie dessert. It all may depend on what they mean by "owe themselves." One person's idea of owe is certainly much different from another's. Are there some who feel they owe themselves a nap? It could be more so than one may think. If it is just because they want to take it easy, the answer may be no. For some people, a nap may be long overdue. In this case, it could be for reasons of better health. The truth is that a nap may be able to do a lot of good things for health.
It May Help Manage Weight
The problems many people have when struggling with issues about their weight is that they can't control their urge to eat. When they look at other factors that may be involved in determining why, personal choices and habits may play a big part. When people lack the proper amount of sleep, at least a couple of things happen that contribute to problems. According to a Stanford University study, lack of sleep can increase the production of gherkin, which is a hormone that makes people want to eat more. It also lowers the production of the hormone leptin which lets people know they are full.
It May Help Prevent Chronic Illnesses
A Center for Disease Control and Prevention study found that people who sleep fewer than six hours per night are more likely to develop diseases such as heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. All of these are increasingly serious problems today. A good nap, at the right time, may be just what it could take to deter these issues.
It May Keep Our Heads Clear
Most of us have likely had the experience of being so tired that we can hardly function. I know I have gotten to the point in which I seemed to see things that I knew were not there. It is apparently pretty common for people to see things in pictures that they had actually read about later. It can be a dangerous situation for those of us who are trying to drive. If we can make a nap part of our plan for health, we can be more alert as well as having overall better health.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in West Hollywood, Calif.