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Does Your Work Schedule Affect Your Health?

By Tom Herrin

Whether or not people realize it, there is a good chance that the time of day they work, thus conversely the time they sleep and do most things, may actually have some effect on their overall health.  The natural man, if such a term were to be used, seems much better suited for being active during the daylight hours and sleeping at night.  That would allow them to take advantage of the sun and some of the things it is able to provide for better health.  In the industrial world of today, millions of Americans work some kind of shift.  This may be in some kind of production job or some of the many other kinds of jobs that need workers at odd times.  

What Is So Bad About Shifts?

It may not be that the shift itself is bad, but many of the things that must be altered about lifestyle because of it.  Those who work shifts often sleep days and eat at night.  They may spend very little time with their families.  In many cases, those who work shifts have some obvious health risks.  They have been known to have increased blood pressure, increased blood sugar, and are often sleep deprived.  There are countless other issues too.

Cautious Measures to Take

When people work shifts, it is wise for them to be as conscious as possible of any potential hazards.  Making an effort to create good eating practices may be a start.  It may be even more important for them to have nutritious meals eaten on a regular schedule.  It has been indicated in some studies that shift workers tend to eat more foods out of vending machines and other sources that may not provide the best quality foods.  It is also important to develop a good schedule of regular exercise.  These could be good first steps to build a wall against some health problems.

Do What Works for You With Discretion

You are ultimately in charge of your own health.  Working shifts can be a problem if you allow it to.  If you need to work shifts, work hard to develop some good habits that can help to balance your life.  After you take care of sleep, diet, and exercise, you will do well to remember to find ways to remain involved in your family's activities.  This will simply take a little planning.  You never want to be that parent that people hear about but never see.  It is your life and your health, make the best of it.

To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in West Hollywood, Calif.

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