Thinking of Dieting? Check This Out First!
By Genevieve Cunningham
Diets are a hot topic. No matter who you are, you've probably considered going on a diet at one point or another. We all have weight that fluctuates. We all have a desire to drop a few pounds or a pant size. It's normal! But going on a diet is never easy. We dread it, and if we decide to go through with it, we force ourselves to suffer through. But what if dieting didn't have to be so hard? What if we could transition into healthier eating in a slower, more subtle way? You totally can! If you've been thinking of going on a diet, take a look at this info that you really need to consider before you do.
Start With Calories
The first and easiest step in any diet is to just cut back on your total calories. Don't worry about the specific foods you're eating or counting your macros or anything complicated. Just count your calories -- nice and simple. Figure out how many you're consuming in a day, and then cut back on that number. If you need help, consider using an app that helps you keep track. Once you get the hang of counting and lowering your caloric intake, you can move on to the next step.
Move to Empty Calories
Once you've consistently cut back on calories, focus on getting rid of empty calories. Most of the time, this can be done by simply cutting out sodas and other flavored drinks. Stick to your morning coffee and water and leave the rest behind. If you have the willpower, you can also cut sweet snacks and desserts. But cutting out empty calories and replacing them with something healthier will help lower your calorie count and improve your nutrition all in one go.
Use Water to Your Advantage
Since you'll already be drinking more water, why not use water to your advantage? Drink water before every meal to keep your stomach full and make you feel like eating less. Drink water as soon as you wake up to boost energy and get digestion moving. Water can be an excellent tool for weight loss. Use it wisely.
If you really want to go on a diet, go for it. But it doesn't have to be anything long and drawn out and complicated. Just take it step by step and keep it simple. Use these tips to get started, and ease into your diet with confidence.
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