What Really Counts at the End of the Day
By Sandy Schroeder
Sometimes in the midst of our daily lives, we lose track of what really counts. Juggling bills, deadlines, appointments and daily tasks can swallow up most of our time, but if we really look closely there are more major things that we need to keep in the loop. Our family, friends, home, health, and future dreams form the foundation that needs to be sustained.
Do an Inventory
Think about what counts the most in your life.
- Your family
- Your health
- Your dreams
- Something else
Then Do a Check-Up
- How much time do you spend with your family
- Are sit-down dinners a regular thing at your house
- Do you have toddlers, pre-teens or teens who need time right now
- Are you still making plans for the future, or just cruising
- Are you actually doing prep work to make changes for tomorrow
- Are you so busy you are letting your health take care of itself
- Are you on target with 30-minute daily workouts and other health activities
Pinning It All Down
Life has a funny way of zooming ahead when we are not looking. All of those special little things that you want to do with your kids may not seem as relevant when they become teens or college students and head off on their own. Many of those dreams that live in your head, but never quite make it to the planning and actualization stage, may seem way less pertinent when you lose someone, or find your health setting its own limits on what you do.
A friend of mine used to remind me of the quote, "Time waits for no man," and she was so right. We all count on tomorrows that are really just that, a promise, a hope, a maybe.
Jumping in to make things happen, or enjoy very special moments with those who mean the most, really needs to happen now.
Make a List
Take some time to make a starter list of things that really should not wait any longer, and start checking them off. What's on your list?
- Time to camp out this spring with the kids, for real, not just backyard pretend camping
- Time to get new bikes and start biking on weekends around town or to the park
- Time to dust off that goals list and really research and reach out to meet people to make it happen
- Time to get back on the scale and admit to those 10 -- OK, 15 -- pounds that need to leave
- Time to take too much sitting, too much junk food, and too many work hours seriously
Whatever your list looks like, if it moves you closer to what counts in your life, keep going. You are on the right track.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Boulder, Colorado.