There Are Carbs That Make You Healthy
By Tom Herrin
Just because people hear about the need to cut carbs, it does not mean they should be totally eliminated from the diet. For sure, many people overdo it with their consumption of carbs, but many also go to an unhealthy extremes in an effort to cut them out of their diets. There are some of the more recent diets that focus on cutting carbs and trying to influence the body into burning fats as more fuel. This can be beneficial when done cautiously but can be disastrous when done wrong. No one needs to take a chance on playing with their health, so the more information they can get, the better their planning will be.
Eliminate the Ones That Do Harm
Carbs don't necessarily bite or make anyone immediately ill, but they can chip away slowly at health. How many people can be seen that have overindulged in bad carbs and paid the price as a result? A simple look around can reveal quite a few. When people reach for packaged foods, they are most often loaded with carbs from sugar. These kinds are known to have a bad effect on health. It is believed that, in order to maintain good health, women should limit their consumption of these foods to 100 calories per day and men should keep theirs to 150 per day.
Develop a Taste for Good Carbs
Ignoring the advice of many moms for years has not been wise. They pretty much all told their children to eat more fruits, vegetables, and healthy grains. Eating these can promote good health. These kinds of carbs are useful to fuel the body and keep the muscles in good shape. Anytime people fail to take in enough of these good carbs, muscle tissue may be used for fuel. This is basically what happens when the body goes into starvation mode, and that is never good.
Save Yourself
As we remain better educated on the role that each nutrient in our diet plays, we will have better health. We would all like that. I try to manage my diet carefully and make changes only after studying the effects. I try to know the products I purchase and add only what I need. I also try to take special care anytime I begin cutting things out. I have found that if I do this carefully, I can get good results.
To learn more about your health, wellness, and fitness, see your local chiropractor at The Joint Chiropractic in Colorado Springs, Colo.